Hypnotherapy is very effective is regulating anxiety as it directly regulates the nervous system. Hypnosis gently guides clients out of chronic fight or flight, or the sympathetic nervous system, and into the parasympathetic nervous system, which is also know as rest and digest. When one is in the parasympathetic, they are feeling safe, calm and in control, the opposite of feeling anxious. Just being hypnotized is beneficial to the body for this reason. The body naturally heals when it is in the parasympathetic and the deep rest one will receive from hypnosis has other health benefits, such as decreasing inflammation, improving immune function, and more. A very important therapeutic somatic benefit of hypnosis is the body is able to release stored trauma in the body.
In the calm state induced by hypnosis and under the supervision of a hypnotherapist, the client is able to safely face their triggers to anxiety and release them. Hypnosis strengthens the ability to visualize or imagine different possibilities, which may mean reconnecting to parts of oneself that are safe and calm or even being able to see things from a different perspective, because one is now safe and relaxed enough to do so.